Carl Stone:Samanluang


year of composition: 1986
for MIDI-based electronics

One of CS's first MIDI pieces.

Performance History
10/26/86       Academy West/Rudy Perez Dance Co.         Los Angeles    USA
11/11/86       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute          Troy           USA
11/14/86       Real Art Ways                             Hartford       USA
11/16/86       Bennington College Dance Dept.            Bennington     USA
11/22/86       Stedelijk Museum                          Amsterdam      HOLLAND
11/23/86       Het Apollohuis                            Eindhoven      HOLLAND
11/25/86       New Music Zeeland                         Middleburg     HOLLAND
12/02/86       Fylkingen Society                         Stockholm      SWEDEN
12/05/86       Palais des Beaux-Arts                     Brussels       BELGIUM
12/06/86       LOGOS Foundation                          Ghent          BELGIUM
12/12/86       Centro D'Arte degli studenti Padova       Padova         ITALY
02/15/87       Marlboro College                          Marlboro       USA
02/17/87       Dartmouth College                         Hannover       USA
02/19/87       Middlebury College                        Middlebury     USA
03/13/87       New Langton Arts                          San Francisco  USA
03/27/87       Sushi                                     San Diego      USA
04/26/87       Composers Forum                           New York       USA
06/06/87       Beyond Baroque                            Venice         USA
04/16/88       New Arts Program                          Kutztown       USA

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